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Britain Distances itself from Zim Sanctions; casts blame on USA. ZanuPF Deputy Youth Secretary Lewis Matutu revealed that officials from the British Embassy invited him in a bid to exonerate their Nation from accusations leveled against them pertaining to illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe and went on to cast the blame on the United States of America. Speaking at the inaugural episode of the new discussion series dubbed Youth In Conversations (YOICO); the outspoken ZanuPF Youth Leader blunt...

Chimurenga files
TEAM-ZANU-PF NEWS BULLETIN  Dr Edison Sithole’s mystery lives on  20 OCT, 2019 - 00:10  0 COMMENTS   Isaya Muriwo Sithole On Tuesday October 15 2019 we commemorated the abduction, disappearance and subsequent death of national hero, Dr Edson Furatidzayi Chisingaitwi Sithole. He was abducted outside Ambassador Hotel in the then Salisbury (now Harare) on Wednesday October 15 1975, and his remains have not been found to date, 44 years on. As we remember him, it is instructive to look at the...

Party Ideologies
TEAM-ZANU-PF NEWS BULLETIN  ‘Mugabe’s questionable exit plan to Moza’  20 OCT, 2019 - 00:10  0 COMMENTS    ‘Mugabe’s questionable exit plan to Moza’ Our Deputy News Editor, Levi Mukarati, continues to explore Cde Parker Chipoyera’s political journey. This week, the liberation struggle fighter chronicles events during the détente period including former President Cde Robert Mugabe’s move to sneak into Mozambique despite having been a free man. ***** Question: The period in which Cde Chitepo...

TEAM-ZANU-PF NEWS BULLETIN  EDITORIAL COMMENT : Zupco’s new kombi model can do the trick  22 OCT, 2019   EDITORIAL COMMENT :  Zupco’s new kombi model can do the trick ZUPCO’s recent move to expand its services by franchising a select group of commuter omnibuses, also known as kombis, is not only helping to boost its fleet, but has a large number of other benefits. The ZUPCO fleet of large buses is small, and even with the addition of a fair number of franchised buses, the total fleet was un...

The Zimbabwe National Army will not hesitate to deal decisively with rogue members who bring its image and reputation into disrepute, a senior army officer has said. Speaking during a Speech and Prize giving ceremony of Inter Formation and Unit Drill Competitions held at Headquarters 5 Brigade last Friday, Chief of Staff Quartermaster Staff, Major-General Hlanganani Dube, said the rate of indiscipline among soldiers was worrying. “I strongly feel obliged to express the command element’s c...

Government has declared Friday, October 25, a public holiday to allow people to attend the Sadc-initiated regional day of solidarity against sanctions on Zimbabwe, whose main event is slated for the National Sports Stadium in Harare. This follows a decision by the Sadc summit held in Tanzania in August this year to set the day aside for solidarity marches across the region to denounce illegal sanctions imposed by the United States (US) and the European Union (EU). The public holiday w...

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