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9 results found.

BREAKING NEWS  "OUR Whatsapp group was destroyed by unknown people " ZANU-PF MPUMALANGA DISTRICT Youth League  Secretary Cde Scorpion C  claimed their Whatsapp group was destroyed by unknown people. This comes after the disputes between Mzansi District and  some of the ZANU-PF members from the Eastern province who claimed to have their own District and abandon Mzansi District which they said is too much corrupt,powerhungry and lack of party ideology.

Political NEWS
ZANU PF structures ready for anti- sanctions march By Ndafadza Madanha - ZANU PF Information Department ZANU PF structures across the country are ready for the anti- sanctions march to be held this week in Harare. In an interview, ZANU PF National Spokesperson and Secretary for Information and Publicity, Cde Simon Khaya Moyo said party supporters will come in their numbers to register their displeasure with the illegal sanctions on Zimbabwe imposed by the USA and European Union. Cde Moyo s...

Political NEWS
Government has declared Friday, October 25, a public holiday to allow people to attend the Sadc-initiated regional day of solidarity against sanctions on Zimbabwe, whose main event is slated for the National Sports Stadium in Harare. This follows a decision by the Sadc summit held in Tanzania in August this year to set the day aside for solidarity marches across the region to denounce illegal sanctions imposed by the United States (US) and the European Union (EU). window.dicnf = {};(function...

18 results found.

ZANU PF pays tribute to Cuba _By Margaret Kamba_ ZANU PF has paid tribute to Cuba on the occasion of the anti-imperialist meeting of solidarity for democracy and against neo-liberalism held in Havana, Cuba. Zimbabwe cherishes the support from Cuba which it received during the liberation struggle and continues to receive through the service from Cuban doctors and educators. Speaking at the event ZANU PF Secretary for External Affairs ,Cde Simbarashe Mumbengegwi said the sanctions imposed on...

ZANU PF targets 5 million members  Recently elected members of Zanu-PF District Coordinating Committees (DCCs) in Harare should start working towards ensuring that the party has a membership of 5 million supporters by 2023. Speaking at the graduation of DCCs who went through a symposium at Herbert Chitepo School of Ideology, in Harare today, the party’s National Political Commissar Cde Victor Matemadanda said the party has a mobilisation strategy which the DCCs should work towards achieving....

It has been two months now since junior medical doctors downed tools in protest over their salaries which they say are inadequate and working conditions which they say are poor. The doctors had not exhausted all the internal grievance procedures prior to embarking on the strike. This fact was confirmed by the Labour Court ruling which found that the industrial action was illegal. The court ordered the doctors to resume their duties within 48 hours of its ruling on October 11, 2019, a ruling w...

*Venezuela and Zimbabwe: Murder By Sanctions*   As one reads the newspapers or watches TV one cannot but be aghast at the mechanizations by the US and the Western power like the EU and Britain who engage in terrorism, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The unfolding saga in Venezuela makes obvious the crime that is wrapped up in the not-so-noble rhetoric of democracy and humanitarianism. The US, Britain and the EU using NATO has  long been committing crimes against peace through the mecha...

25 OCTOBER THE BIG DAY Good Morning team Zimbabwe Amalgamated Council of Churches (ZACC), Coalition Against Sanctions-Zimbabwe (CAS-Z), Consumer Power Zimbabwe (CPZ). Today is a big day in our fight against illegal sanctions impossed, today we will make our voice heard and the world know that as Zimbabwe we don't need these SANCTIONS. They are devilish,Illegal and ruinous,today is an opportunity for us to stand up in defense of our right to economic development. As an organization our message...

Britain is looking at formalising and boosting its trade relations with Zimbabwe once it leaves the European Union. This was said by the British ambassador to Zimbabwe, Mrs Melanie Robinson after paying a courtesy call on Speaker of the National Assembly Advocate Jacob Mudenda this morning. “The Honourable Speaker and I had a good discussion this morning and the first thing we discussed was the continuation of trade between the UK and Zimbabwe. Ad “We have excellent trade relationships at...

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