Our Updates


By Chidenyika Cde Scoppion

Mon, 21-Oct-2019, 21:31

This is Political website created by TEAM-ZANU-PF We are a ZANU-PF sub group CONTACT US https://TEAMZANUPF.websites.co.in/pages/news/17937 grouplocated at : ZANU PF+263 77 221 6640 or Zanupfmpumalanga@gmail.com  This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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International NEWS

By Chidenyika Cde Scoppion

Tue, 19-Nov-2019, 13:17

ZIMBABWE REFUSES TO REVERSE THE LAND REFORM AMID US DEMANDS Zimbabwe's ambassador to South Africa David Hamadziripi said the US sanctions were a result of the country’s land reform. Picture: Supplied. ZIMBABWE US SANCTIONS DAVID HAMADZIRIPI PRETORIA - Zimbabwe's ambassador to South Africa David Hamadziripi said the United States demands to return property seized in the land reform programme will not be honoured. The US has made this a condition for sanctions to be lifted. Hamadziripi attended a symposium at Unisa in Pretoria on Monday to chart the way for South Africa's intervention in t...

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By Chidenyika Cde Scoppion

Wed, 06-Nov-2019, 22:57

●Call for unity ahead of people’s conference TEAM-ZANU-PF NEWS  By TEAM-ZANU-PF Admins Desk_  Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) has called for unity ahead of ZANU PF’s Annual National People’s Conference scheduled for December. The 18th Annual National People’s Conference will be held at Goromonzi High School in Mashonaland East Province from December 10 to the 15th. Speaking during a Provincial Committee meeting held in Marondera over the weekend, Mashonaland East War Veterans Chairperson Cde Sigauke called for the association to be united and make the event a...

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