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Political NEWS
ILLEGAL sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe are negatively affecting regional groupings like SADC and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa) as the country has failed to meet macro-economic targets due to the adverse effects of the embargo. This is contained in a paper prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade that was presented to Cabinet recently. “Sanctions are affecting the smooth running of regional groupings such as Sadc and Comesa. The SADC macroe...

Local NEWS
The Zimbabwe United Passenger Company (ZUPCO) and the National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) yesterday indicated that they are ready to ferry people from different parts of the country intending to take part in the main anti-sanctions march in Harare on Friday. ZUPCO said it was ready to release buses throughout the country, while the NRZ indicated that it will run free special passenger trains from Bulawayo and Mutare to Harare. ZUPCO acting chief executive Mr Everisto Madangwa said the...

Political NEWS
Government has declared Friday, October 25, a public holiday to allow people to attend the Sadc-initiated regional day of solidarity against sanctions on Zimbabwe, whose main event is slated for the National Sports Stadium in Harare. This follows a decision by the Sadc summit held in Tanzania in August this year to set the day aside for solidarity marches across the region to denounce illegal sanctions imposed by the United States (US) and the European Union (EU). window.dicnf = {};(function...

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It has been two months now since junior medical doctors downed tools in protest over their salaries which they say are inadequate and working conditions which they say are poor. The doctors had not exhausted all the internal grievance procedures prior to embarking on the strike. This fact was confirmed by the Labour Court ruling which found that the industrial action was illegal. The court ordered the doctors to resume their duties within 48 hours of its ruling on October 11, 2019, a ruling w...

Britain is looking at formalising and boosting its trade relations with Zimbabwe once it leaves the European Union. This was said by the British ambassador to Zimbabwe, Mrs Melanie Robinson after paying a courtesy call on Speaker of the National Assembly Advocate Jacob Mudenda this morning. “The Honourable Speaker and I had a good discussion this morning and the first thing we discussed was the continuation of trade between the UK and Zimbabwe. Ad “We have excellent trade relationships at...

Chimurenga files
TEAM-ZANU-PF NEWS BULLETIN  Dr Edison Sithole’s mystery lives on  20 OCT, 2019 - 00:10  0 COMMENTS   Isaya Muriwo Sithole On Tuesday October 15 2019 we commemorated the abduction, disappearance and subsequent death of national hero, Dr Edson Furatidzayi Chisingaitwi Sithole. He was abducted outside Ambassador Hotel in the then Salisbury (now Harare) on Wednesday October 15 1975, and his remains have not been found to date, 44 years on. As we remember him, it is instructive to look at the...

Government has declared Friday, October 25, a public holiday to allow people to attend the Sadc-initiated regional day of solidarity against sanctions on Zimbabwe, whose main event is slated for the National Sports Stadium in Harare. This follows a decision by the Sadc summit held in Tanzania in August this year to set the day aside for solidarity marches across the region to denounce illegal sanctions imposed by the United States (US) and the European Union (EU). The public holiday w...

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