Youth League welcomes Cabinet appointments

Cde Chirau 

THE Zanu-PF Youth League has commended President Mnangagwa for appointing more younger people into Government, saying the development was a clear commitment to the inclusive agenda.

In a statement yesterday, Zanu-PF Youth League national secretary for administration Cde Tendai Chirau said the President lived up to his word by fulfilling his promise made during the second National Assembly Meeting of the Youth League recently.

During that meeting, President Mnangagwa promised to increase the number of young ministers in Government.

Cde Chirau said by appointing youths into Government, the President demonstrated his desire to blend generations.

“The unrelenting recognition of young people by His Excellency President Mnangagwa’s new Government and the new dispensation is an endorsement of the inclusive philosophy of generational blending where the young are blended with the elders in charting the developmental trajectory of our motherland,” said Cde Chirau.

He said the appointments and reappointments of young ministers and deputy ministers encouraged intergenerational dialogue in solving some of the country’s challenges.

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