ZANU PF pays tribute to Cuba

_By Margaret Kamba_

ZANU PF has paid tribute to Cuba on the occasion of the anti-imperialist meeting of solidarity for democracy and against neo-liberalism held in Havana, Cuba.

Zimbabwe cherishes the support from Cuba which it received during the liberation struggle and continues to receive through the service from Cuban doctors and educators.

Speaking at the event ZANU PF Secretary for External Affairs ,Cde Simbarashe Mumbengegwi said the sanctions imposed on Cuba are the same as those imposed on Zimbabwe hence the need for their unconditional removal.

“ ZANU PF led by President and First Secretary of ZANU PF Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa brings a strong message of support and solidarity to Cuba, Latin America and the Caribbean. The holding of this meeting of revolutionary and left-wing forces globally is not only timely but also strategic in the face of increasingly aggressive imperialist and neoliberal forces,” Cde Mumbengegwi said.

“It is in this context that ZANU PF salutes and commends the Cuban people, under the revolutionary leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba for having successfully resisted the onslaught of imperialist aggression for the past 60 years.

“We welcome the holding of this conference where we can exchange notes and ideas so as to come up with a common and coordinated response to this onslaught on our national revolutions by imperialism and neoliberalism. The sanctions against Cuba and the sanctions against Zimbabwe as well as those against Venezuela are an injury to all of us. Let us condemn and demand their unconditional removal.”

Cde Mumbengegwi paid tribute to the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples ICAP, the Central Organisation of Cuban Trade Unions CTC, the Cuban Chapter of Social Movements and the Continental Conference for Democracy and against Neoliberalism. 


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