*Venezuela and Zimbabwe: Murder By Sanctions*


As one reads the newspapers or watches TV one cannot but be aghast at the mechanizations by the US and the Western power like the EU and Britain who engage in terrorism, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The unfolding saga in Venezuela makes obvious the crime that is wrapped up in the not-so-noble rhetoric of democracy and humanitarianism. The US, Britain and the EU using NATO has  long been committing crimes against peace through the mechanisms of sanctions to effect regime change and this throughout the world especially the developing nations so that it can rape and plunder its resources and impoverish its peoples. This is especially true with countries that want to be free of the stranglehold of the forces of imperialism and the new colonialism. If any countries dare to stand up to the US, Britain and the EU they are either bombed to smithereens like Iraq and Libya or the people get starved to death through sanctions. 

The two living examples that are happening right now are Zimbabwe and Venezuela and its happening on our watch. As Africans and Indigenous People we reject the crimes that are committed against both countries and reject the presence of the US army on African soil. Africa does not have a presence in Europe or the US and thus why should the US have a presence in Africa or anywhere else on the planet. Africa is not a satellite of the US or Britain or the EU but Africa is an independent Continent that has sovereign rights not a vassal continent of the supposed super powers. 

In this instance we say to our governments get rid of AFRICOM and make Africa what it is supposed to be: independent and powerful.

Closer to home in Zimbabwe we see the same hidden hand at play and in both Zimbabwe and Venezuela the people are being punished by a slow death, and emotional turmoil and degradation and this in the name of British and American imperialism. The punishing of a people, because the government they chose, refuses to capitulate to the US and Britain, is nothing less than terrorism and a war crime. One could ask why do I choose the term “war crime”: I choose the term because the West and its voracious plunderers have been at war with Latin America and Africa for centuries and they committed genocide, plunder, rape and murder on a huge scale and this under the false pretenses of peace and foreign investment. The presence of any superpower on the continents of both Africa and Latin Americas has always been littered by a trail of corpses, and a litany of crimes, that are acceptable in developing countries, or third world countries, but would not be acceptable in Europe or Britain. If the very same crimes were committed in Britain, the US, or the EU the offending country would be standing before the International Criminal Courts right now shackled and chained as Saddam Hussein was but because it is “less than white” countries their lives don’t really matter and they are not worth applying the concept of justice in a non racist manner.

 How long will it take for the developing world to awaken and impose its own forms of sanctions and justice against America or Britain or take them before the international Courts of Justice. Thus far Britain, America and NATO have been given a blank cheque by the developing world especially by the dictators that they have imposed on countries through their neo colonial agenda: an agenda that destabilizes the continents and keeps the people in poverty and close to starvation.  

It must be borne in mind that this crisis in both Zimbabwe and Venezuela is not a natural crisis that is born out of the failure of government but the deliberate creation of a man made crisis born out of theft of the resources and monies of Venezuela by the US government. The US government is withholding billions of dollars of the Venezuelan people’s money and refuses to release it in the hope that by starving the people they will make them accept an illegitimate government that has not been elected by the people themselves. In essence this is not only a political crisis but an assault on democracy itself. Democracy is dying and its dying on our watch and this covered by lies that shield the crimes against the people and the crimes against democracy against the eyes of the world and its time that the world awakened to the thrust and ambitions of the US and its consorts to place the world under its domination and enslave it through it’s unjust economics and military world government. The US is losing the economic war against China and so it creates a Military Economy that needs war to sustain itself but its weakness is that it also needs personnel and resources as it is overstretched and thin on the ground and this gives the developed world an opportunity to strangle it and smother it into submission if not obblivion. Africa and the Latin American countries should deny the US the things that it needs most for its Military Industrial Complex to function: things like graphite, cobalt and other minerals and thus cripple it in technological terms. Africa needs to strike back and the time to do so is now.    

Blanket sanctions is not a small crime but a crime that targets, and affects the people both directly and indirectly this regardless of the fact that they have not committed a crime against the countries that impose sanctions. To go beyond that sanctions is a crime of terrorism because the sanctioning countries impose terror through hunger on people in the hope that they will rise up against their governments: governments that refuse to bow to the imperial powers or toe the line. Every country that imposes sanctions against another commits murder and a crime against the people because sanctions affect;

1. The vulnerable who need aid or medical assistance cannot be helped and the most vulnerable like children, the aged, the blind and crippled cannot be assisted by the state or anyone else  

2. The ability for hospitals to function and thus people dies in large numbers and more often than not it’s the poor who rely on government to render the services and medicines and thuis sanctions is a war against the poor   

3. Education and the fact that kinds starve, there are no books, teachers do not get paid, the infrastructure collapses and thus sanctions is a crime against the child 

4. Food supply if hindered and limited as abattoirs close and processing does not happen nor can farmers farm or bring their crops to the market and thus starvation becomes rampant 

5. Currency gets devalued and business is affected and hindered and cannot trade and inflation goes through the roof and the ordinary citizen cannot afford a loaf of bread    

6. The ability of the government to deliver basic services and even petrol. When petrol becomes scarce everything stops including transportation which impacts negatively on food and the economy  and services like ambulances and police cannot function this as crime driven by poverty escalates with the result murders are committed and the police do not have the resources to respond.     

In the final analysis the rogue state called the US must be stopped and brought to trial on charges of Crimes Against Humanity and crimes against peace. Far too many have died through this terrorist crime called sanctions.

The US and Britain must be stopped 

The US and Britain must be charged for Crimes Against Humanity

The US and Britain must stop meddling in the affairs of sovereign nations 

The US and Britain must get their hands of Venezuela and Zimbabwe 

The US must take AFRICOM off African soil 

The Developing World must deny their natural resources to America and Britain and the EU

Indigenous people must claim reparations 

What you can do 

1. Protest outside the American embassy 

2. Send a letter of support to Venezuela and its people 

3. Write to your government 

4. Call your radio station 

5. Get on to TV

6. Boycott  American products 

7. Boycott British products

The world needs to be free of rogue states and the world needs to be free of political interference in sovereign nations by the Western super powers.

Yankee go home and take AFRICOM with you

Long live Zimbabwe 

Long live Venezuela 


Rassool Jibraeel Snyman 

International Spokesperson for the World Wide Pan African Movement 

National Organiser for the Khoi Liberation Movement



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