"TEAM-ZANU-PF Admins urged the party members to participate in the ANTI Sanctions march"

By TEAM-ZANU-PF Admins Desk_ 

25O CTOBER 2019

"On this day theTEAM-ZANU-PF fraternity will join hands with the SADC block in the march against unjustified sanctions imposed on us by the US government and the Western Powers. It is so painful to call and impose the sanctions on a small nation like Zimbabwe, this is a serious human rights abuse and declaration of war to our beloved country Zimbabwe.

We stand up today as Zimbabweans to say enough is enough there is no room for the sanctions in our country. The beneficiaries of these sanctions are murderers, bloody thirsty and evil people who are enjoying our downfall and poverty in Zimbabwe.

They imposed the sanctions on us after we have took our land to the rightful owners of the country.



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