ZANU PF targets 5 million membersĀ 

Recently elected members of Zanu-PF District Coordinating Committees (DCCs) in Harare should start working towards ensuring that the party has a membership of 5 million supporters by 2023.

Speaking at the graduation of DCCs who went through a symposium at Herbert Chitepo School of Ideology, in Harare today, the partyā€™s National Political Commissar Cde Victor Matemadanda said the party has a mobilisation strategy which the DCCs should work towards achieving.

ā€œWe have a mobilisation strategy as a party for mobilisation of 5 million member supporters by 2023 so do not bring excuses but work towards making sure that the target is reached.

ā€œWe are now sending you to go and mobilise masses and ensure that people are well aware of the partyā€™s ideas, we are now sending you to mobilise those people that were traditionally perceived to be people we cannot work with.

ā€œMobilisation for the party should start earnestly,ā€ said Cde Matemadanda.

Cde Matemadanda urged the DCC members to effectively fight corruption in order to consolidate the partyā€™s vibrancy.

ā€œFirst there are many issues that will emerge, you act on those and the task that has always been there is to make sure that the party is vibrant again, make sure that the party has gotten rid of corrupt tendencies and that the party is taken back to the people,ā€ he said.

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