

Good Morning team Zimbabwe Amalgamated Council of Churches (ZACC), Coalition Against Sanctions-Zimbabwe (CAS-Z), Consumer Power Zimbabwe (CPZ). Today is a big day in our fight against illegal sanctions impossed, today we will make our voice heard and the world know that as Zimbabwe we don't need these SANCTIONS. They are devilish,Illegal and ruinous,today is an opportunity for us to stand up in defense of our right to economic development. As an organization our message is very clear: *ENOUGH IS ENOUGH SANCTIONS MUST GO*. It has been a bit challenging interms of relaying logistical Information out to our beloved provincial team since the program is being organised at government level. As an organization we are standing in full support of our democratically elected government, I would like to call upon all our members to go in their numbers to today's campaign programmes country wide from all provincial centres to the National. 

I would also like to thank the Chairman Cde Jimayi Muduvuri, Secretary General Dr Davison Todson Gomo,SA chapter,all executive members, provincial structures,the Organizations media team and all departments for this drive. You showed commitment and dedication and let us keep up with this fight until the Sanctions are removed. *ZACC SAYS NO TO SANCTIONS, CPZ SAYS NO TO SANCTIONS, CAS-Z SAYS NO TO SANCTIONS 

The media team will be giving you all LIVE UPDATES from various centres... General!!

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