Britain Distances itself from Zim Sanctions; casts blame on USA.
ZanuPF Deputy Youth Secretary Lewis Matutu revealed that officials from the British Embassy invited him in a bid to exonerate their Nation from accusations leveled against them pertaining to illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe and went on to cast the blame on the United States of America.
Speaking at the inaugural episode of the new discussion series dubbed Youth In Conversations (YOICO); the outspoken ZanuPF Youth Leader bluntly shared the stunning revelations in front of hundreds of youths who had attended the program.
Matutu narrated that a few days ago, upon his return from a revolutionary mission in Angola; he was shocked to learn that officials from the British Embassy were looking for him. The Youth Leader highlighted that he proceeded to meet the Britons, although after having made security arrangements to ensure his safety . Surprisingly, upon meeting the British officials he was flummoxed to realize the nature of the bone which the British wanted to chew with him.
The British, according to Matutu sincerely reasoned with him and opened up, probing why the majority of Zimbabwean Youths have a demonic impression of the British; with regards to Sanctions imposed on the Nation. Matutu went on to share that the British officials explained that the sanctions they imposed were only targeted at the late Robert Gabriel Mugabe and the Zimbabwe Defense Forces firms. The British went on to cast the blame on the United States America for the rest of the damaging implications of sanctions that Zimbabwe is enduring.
It is from this backdrop that ironies on sanctions against Zimbabwe are revealed.
One would want to know then the relevancy of sanctions imposed on a former President of Zimbabwe, who is actually late. In addition, the gesture made by the British could be an indication that sanctions have overstayed their welcome since the majority, the Youths are not part of the issues which the Americans and EU claim prompted them to slap Zimbabwe with sanctions.

The ZanuPF Youth League hosted the first ever open minded discussion forum and according to the Party’s Youth Secretary for Administration, Tendai Chirau; the discussions will continue, touching on various topical issues

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